Economies of Scale with Triple Chocolate Cakes
When I decided to get my PhD in economics, my mom wanted to be supportive. In order to do so, she first needed to figure out what...
Economies of Scale with Triple Chocolate Cakes
Quantity Demanded vs. Demand + Choc-Oat-Chip Bars
What's up with (Micro)chips?
Are Imports Bad? The Case of the Blueberry (+ blueberry muffins)
Driving Demand and Saving Soda
COVID-19: Lumber, Pools, NYC Suburbs, & Gingerbread Houses: Unexpected Winners during a Pandemic
COVID-19: Maryland Crabs versus Maine Lobsters: Two crustaceans, Two different problems
“Bang for Buck” and Regular vs. Instant Grits
COVID-19: Foreign Labor & Strawberries
COVID-19; Flour, Yeast, and Milk; Elasticity of Supply
Red Roses and Chocolate Cookies on Valentine’s Day
Supply Curve of Chocolate Chip Cookies (Vegan)
Complements and Substitutes in Baking
Wedding Cakes and Elasticity
Pink Icing and Diminishing Marginal Benefit