scFeb 28, 2021Are Imports Bad? The Case of the Blueberry (+ blueberry muffins)Imports – goods produced in other countries but sold “here” (in this case that’s the U.S.). They come up in the news a lot – are they...
scJul 12, 2020COVID-19: Maryland Crabs versus Maine Lobsters: Two crustaceans, Two different problemsI read this really interesting article in the NY Times about the Maine lobster industry. The lobster market is struggling due to a...
scJun 14, 2020COVID-19: How COVID-19 gave an unexpected boost to Thai Rice Exports (+ Rice Pudding)COVID-19 has wreaked havoc on many industries. It has also been a boon to others, such as Amazon, Netflix, Zoom, Delivery Services,...
scMar 5, 2020The impact of Brexit on … Oranges? And Orange Scones I’m sure you’ve read about Brexit. You may have heard that many people think it was a bad idea. In the UK, a lot of people think it was...
scJun 9, 2019Banana Bread and Trade WarsMost of the time when I start these posts, I have an econ lesson in mind first. This time, it’s the recipe I desperately want to share...