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Click here for the Spring 2022 Bakeonomics350 Syllabus

What is Bakeonomics350?

The core principles of economics are in every decision we make, so it makes me sad when people say they don't understand economics or they hated their undergrad economics course.  


In this blog, I walk through basic concepts of economics or explain news events using digestible language and relatable examples.  Each blog also centers around something related to baking, and I either share or refer you to a recipe at the end of each one.  


Why 350?  350 degrees is a common baking temperature, and since you will hopefully learn something on this blog, Bakeonomics350 is your course number.  


Economics is for everyone, and I believe the concepts on here are useful to everyone.  


For more about me...

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Recent Posts

The core principles of economics are in every decision we make, so it makes me sad when people say they don't understand economics or they hated their undergrad economics course.  


In this blog, I walk through basic concepts of economics or explain news events using digestible language and relatable examples.  Each blog also centers around something related to baking, and I either share or refer you to a recipe at the end of each one.  


Why 350?  350 degrees is a common baking temperature, and since you will hopefully learn something on this blog, Bakeonomics350 is your course number.  


Economics is for everyone, and I believe the concepts on here are useful to everyone.  


For more about me...


US & Food Price Inflation

GDP, Consumption, &Cornbread

GDP, Consumption, &Cornbread

Let’s talk about Biden's idea on what to do in the U.S. to combat food price inflation.


GDP, Consumption, &Cornbread

GDP, Consumption, &Cornbread

Inflation & Russian Export Taxes

GDP, Consumption, &Cornbread

GDP, Consumption, &Cornbread

What is Russia doing to try and keep food price inflation down? Export tariffs!  Will they work and will there be negative long run impacts.  Time will tell.


How to use Bakeonomics350 for your teaching

1. Offer different posts from as supplemental reading for class.


2. During class, pull up a post and discuss in class what is going on.


3. Assign a post for them to read and write a short paper on how it fits in with the lessons that have been covered in class.  Alternatively (or in addition to), have them graph what is going on.


4. Have students pick a post of their choosing to present in class. Bonus points if they bake the associated recipe!


5. Assign a post for them to read and then do a short video explaining.  


6. Challenge them! Have them take a topic from the news and write their own blog posts with a baking theme (or a theme that is a hobby of theirs).  For inspiration, they can check out the “Economics in Action” section of the blog.  


Economic Topics



Micro Basics


Demand and Supply​











Financial Literacy

Economics in Action 


Financial Literacy


How to reduce the risk of losing all your money or baking a bad dessert


I budget my time and my money.  Here's why it is important.


Friendship Bread grows and grows... just like money you have invested


If you didn't go to the coffee shop for a year how much money could you have at retirement


When baking a pie, you have to monitory the crust and the filling.

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